XM Works’ Privacy Policy:
XM Works’ Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect and use the personal information you decide to share, and help you make informed decisions when using XM Works, located at www.xm works.com and its directly associated domains (collectively, “XM Works” or “Website”). By using or accessing XM Works, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
Notification of changes to this Policy;
We are continually improving and adding new functionality and features to this Web Site and improving and adding to our existing services. Because of these ongoing changes, changes in the law and the changing nature of technology, our data practices will change from time to time. If and when our data practices change, we will (as soon as practicable) post the changes on our Web Site to notify you of the changes. We encourage you to check this page frequently.
The Information We May Collect;
Generally, XM Works may gather information about visitors to its web site when it aggregates information gathered by tracking the usage of certain features available on the web site. The collection of this information enables XM Works to tailor its content to your needs, keep you informed of information that you may find of interest, and to help better understand the demographics of its audience, which assists it in providing appropriate products and services to its customers.
Registration & Information Requests;
Additionally, at certain sections of our web sites you may register or request to receive additional information or services. During these processes, you may be asked to provide the following personally-identifiable information: your name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. XM Works and/or its designee will use this information in responding to your request. When you register, you may also be given the opportunity to ask to be on XM Works’ mailing list for future information. If you decide to be on our mailing list, XM Works will maintain your personally-identifiable information in secure on-line and off-line facilities. Your personally-identifiable information will only be disclosed to certain employees of XM Works or its designees with a business purpose to review your information. Except as set forth in this Policy, if you decide not to be on our mailing list or are not given the option to opt-in or out of the mailing list, XM Works will not maintain your personally-identifiable information for longer than is reasonably necessary to respond to your request and maintain its computer systems, except that XM Works may utilize your personal information in aggregated statistics.
Data Security;
XM Works uses industry standard efforts to safeguard your personally-identifiable information. However, it is impossible to absolutely guarantee the security of data transmission over the internet or any wireless network. Therefore, although we take reasonable measures to protect your information, XM Works cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we will use industry standard efforts to ensure its security on our systems.
In the event that XM Works becomes aware that site security is compromised or nonpublic user information has been disclosed to unrelated third parties as a result of external activity, including but not limited to external security attacks, XM Works shall take reasonable measures which it deems appropriate, including but not limited to internal investigation and reporting, and notification to and cooperation with law enforcement authorities, notwithstanding other provisions of this Privacy Statement.
If XM Works becomes aware that a user’s personal information provided to XM Works has been disclosed in a manner not in accordance with this Privacy Statement, XM Works shall make reasonable efforts to notify the affected user, as soon as reasonably possible and as permitted by law, of what information has been disclosed, to the extent that XM Works knows this information.
No Guarantees for Factors beyond XM Works’s Control;
While this Privacy Statement expresses XM Works’ standards for maintenance of private data, it is not in a position to guarantee that the standards will always be met. There may be factors beyond XM Works’ control that may result in disclosure of data. As a consequence, XM Works disclaims any warranties or representations relating to maintenance or nondisclosure of private information.
Governing Law;
The internal laws of the State of California, without reference to any choice of law provisions, shall govern any claims relating to the materials on our web sites.
Contacting XM Works;
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us.